Thursday, August 23, 2012

Amanda's Baby Mum

Here is a mum I made for my Cousin Amanda.  For those that are not familiar with what a mum, they are traditionally wore at high school homecoming games.  So I guess in a way this version of the mum is to celebrate the home coming of a new baby. These mums are generally  placed on the outside of the hospital room door.
I like to make them to coordinate with the theme of the nursery.  Amanda and Michael chose a western them for little Kylee's room.

I singed the edges of the flowers to give more of a shabby chic rustic look.

After painting the letters pink, I stamped them with a wonderful rubber stamp I recently purchased in a brown ink.  Brown was the third color of choice. I also tried with and silver which just didn't seem to pop. I really hope she likes it.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

990 To Go

These are made out of perler or melty beads (depends on where you buy them what they are called).  When my sister went to Ikea she bought me a big thing of them.  I like to melt mine on both sides so it stays together better.  It's fun to do but boy is it time consuming.

This is an actual Holocaust picture.

The face is a mirror so the face of the butterfly is whoever is looking at it.

I Fly Away

I fly
I fly up to Heaven
not on the wings of an Angel
but on the wings of a golden butterfly
with wings that flit and float about
wings that take me somewhere better
I look down and see the world I left behind
a dark cold world
a world no one should have to know
a world where kindness has given way to the evil and depravity of man
this is the world I left behind

I couldn't sleep last night.  As I tried to force myself to sleep my mind started drifting to the subject of The Butterfly Project and the 1.5 million innocent children that perished in the Holocaust.  I tried to imagine what the world was like through their eyes.  I wrote "I Fly Away" at 5:30 this morning not knowing how coherent sounding it would be later when I read it again.  Could be the rainy weather today or having looked at actual pictures of children from the Holocaust but now my eyes swell up with tears as I read it again.

How To Connect To The Butterfly Project

I hope to have new butterflies to post every day.  I you are interested in The Butterfly Project just click on the phrase "The Butterfly Project" anywhere highlighted in the any of the post.  I have linked the site to that phrase. I hope everyone that sees these post will be inspired to take part in this wonderful project.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Only 997 To Go

So I have set a lofty goal for myself to create 1000 butterflies to be donated to The Butterfly Project. I have created 3 of these flying wonders thus far. 

Alpha Stamp Gypsy Fortune Teller Swap

One of the groups I belong to, Alpha Stamps, is hosting a Gypsy Fortune Teller Swap. I have made one set (3 pieces) for this swap so far and have a second set that I plan on doing. For my pieces I decided to focus on the different ways Gypsies tell fortunes.

The Card Reader
I am a bit of a pyro. I love to burn things for an aged look.

The Crystal Ball
Again I used fire to create this one.  I burnt the edges of the flowers for a more natural look.  I used a crackle finish over the crystal ball as if to say the news of the betrayal was so shocking the ball cracked.  For the back I enlarged a design and changed to brown to give it the look of henna.

The Palm Reader
No fire used here!  The curtain gives it a bit of mystery.  Who's palm is she reading?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Butterfly Project

Today oh of my fellow artist from the ATC Fun group shared with us the link for The Butterfly Project.  So I too wanted to pass this information on.  This is such a wonderful endeavour on behalf of the Holocaust Museum Houston.  I am so excited to be a part of this.  I have set a goal for myself of 1000 butterflies.  I will share as I finish them.  Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ghostly Gaze

So I decided to make an ATC with one of the pictures.  For those that are not familiar with what an ATC is, it is a card made in standard trading card size of 2 1/2 X 3 1/5.  Cards can be made with a number of various techniques and materials.  With this one I used a paint chip that I got at my local hardware store (for free) as my foundation.  When making ATCs it is always important to have a strong base or foundation for you card.  On the foundation card I used a tree mask which I rubbed black galato with a make-up sponge.  I love being able to see the drag marks as I wiped the sponge over the mask to fill in the nooks and crannies.  The image of the lady was printed on tissue paper and then wrinkled to give it an aged feel.  Finally I used flower soft on the bushes in front of the house and the tree on the foundation card.  I added them to the bushes to give contrast of the bright lively bushes and the faded women.  I haven't decide if I will us this in a swap or keep it for my own collection.

Wonderful Old House

I found this wonderful old house today as I was out running errands.  Of course all I had was my cell phone to take pictures.  I decided to do some enhancements to add to the historic feel of it.  I can't wait to find just the perfect project to add this to. Maybe a Halloween ATC or just some mixed media piece. Only time will tell.