Friday, August 17, 2012

Alpha Stamp Gypsy Fortune Teller Swap

One of the groups I belong to, Alpha Stamps, is hosting a Gypsy Fortune Teller Swap. I have made one set (3 pieces) for this swap so far and have a second set that I plan on doing. For my pieces I decided to focus on the different ways Gypsies tell fortunes.

The Card Reader
I am a bit of a pyro. I love to burn things for an aged look.

The Crystal Ball
Again I used fire to create this one.  I burnt the edges of the flowers for a more natural look.  I used a crackle finish over the crystal ball as if to say the news of the betrayal was so shocking the ball cracked.  For the back I enlarged a design and changed to brown to give it the look of henna.

The Palm Reader
No fire used here!  The curtain gives it a bit of mystery.  Who's palm is she reading?


  1. I too love pyrotechnqies, and yours have really added to your pieces. I like the curtain also. Can't wait to get a close up look at them.

  2. great pieces! I loved the curtain too!
